This is Dirk Couprie 's website

My main professional interest is in Presocratic philosophy and cosmology, and especially those of Anaximander, who lived at Miletus, 610-547 B.C.

Just click on one of the items in the left column in order to find the information you want (some of which is in Dutch).

If you don't see the left column and want to look at the other pages of my website as well: click here.

If you want to send me an e-mail: click here.
For more information on my latest book Heaven and Earth in Ancient Greek Cosmology: From Thales to Heraclides Ponticus click here.
Here is a special link to my article on Anaximander in The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Here is a link to my political party.
And a link to the website of one of my daughters

And here a link to music as it is sung in heaven: CTRL + click to hear Philippe Jaroussky in Cara, la dolce fiamma by Johann Christian Bach.

This is me at a peace demonstration, Amsterdam 15 February 2003